Family Office for Professional Athletes

We believe that every athlete needs a good coach on and off the field. LSA FINANCE & CONSULTING, as a athletes sports family office, becomes not only your advisor, but your financial coach and integral part of your team.
The importance of preserving capital and lifestyle even after the end of sports career
We appeal to all those (athletes, coaches, technical-sports directors) who have always considered it correct to rely exclusively on their abilities.
“To win today you have to be good at combining tradition and progress”.
To support ambitious growth projects, the traditional realities need to reconfigure and specialize, transferring outside (outsourcing) that plurality of services, substitutes for the normal non-strategic activities of the professional athlete but indispensable for the achievement of their needs and results.
There are now more and more frequent cases in which athletes, coaches and technical directors, preferring to focus on their own activities, (on their own sports “role”)leave to other professionals the task of managing the fundamental activities of the professional sportsman, entrusting it to a single actor, coordinated in network of services, equipped with a complex and specialized organization in the different areas of competence.
Our goal
LSA FINANCE & CONSULTING SRL aims to offer qualified and differentiated services to professional athletes, paying great attention to the needs of the same, the frequency and speed of strategic decision-making and the need to rationalise the management of sports revenue and personal assets. In order to achieve the above mentioned, we intervene in the management and operational dynamics in order to improve the processes, allowing the achievement of a high standing with optimization of the choices made.

An exclusive service
As exclusive and privileged are our athletes: the only axis around which our work revolves. As exclusive and valuable are your interests: the sole objective of our strategies.
The certainty of entrusting your needs to those who protect you.
The Family Office Sportivo (FOPA – Family Office for Professional Athletes) originated in the United States in the mid-1990s and is the future of athlete/athlete management in general.
Our multidisciplinary structure deals with the integrated management of sports by offering a variety of services: from sports advice, to strategies for managing their earnings, from tax protection, insurance and social security to the administrative management of the assets of the professional sportsman.